Southside Snappers is the name of a Meetup group based in and around Glasgow. By visiting us on the Meetup website, you can see all the past events that have been held over the past three years and join if you wish. Membership is free! The number of members is usually over 200, but only about three dozen are active participants. An "outing" usually takes place once a week and we often try to do something new. This has included 35mm film, "panning", long exposures, pinhole and infrared photography. Several times a year we go away for a weekend. Past trips have been to Arran, Glencoe, Stonehaven, and Seil.
   Every year we also work on a large project that usually ends as a photographic exhibition in the Southside Fringe festival in May. Future projects may also end up printed as a small booklet.
   The first project was called European Southsiders and was an exhibition of 27 portraits of 27 people living or working in the southside of Glasgow from each of the 27 EU nations that the UK will soon be leaving. Each formal portrait is in black and white. For many of the subjects, there was also a colour image of the person's national flag in the foreground while the person went about their work, out of focus, in the background. It was exhibited at The Govanhill Baths as part of the Southside Festival in 2018.
  Our second project was called Doggie Documentaries and was exhibited at Hug Cafe in the southside of Glasgow in May, 2019, again as part of the Southside Fringe festival. If you haven't heard of it, the festival was acclaimed the UK's best community organised arts festival last year.
  One project that is presently in progress is called Arborglyphs (think arboretum or arboreal and hieroglyphs and you're almost there): tree signs or graffiti carved on trees. Although no venue for an exhibition has been agreed, our page on this site gives you almost the whole story.
  We are just about to start our project for inclusion in the 2021 Southside Fringe, called L'italiano vero.