European Southsiders
This project aimed to produce an exhibition of 27 portraits of 27 people living or working in the southside of Glasgow from each of the 27 EU nations that the UK will soon be leaving. The exhibition formed part of the annual festival, the Southside Fringe, and was held at the Govanhill Baths on Calder Street. In the end, Hungary eluded us. And to get 26 EU nationals, we had to cheat a bit and extend the Southside to all of Glasgow (and beyond for Latvia).Below are each of the formal portraits that were hung in the exhibition. All were taken at the person's work or in their work environment. These formal portraits are all in black and white. At the time of the shoot, we also took informal photographs, almost all in colour. The other "formal" image that we tried to capture (there wasn't always time) was that of the person's national flag while the subject was "at work" out of focus in the background. These are exclusively in colour. These other images will be posted soon.
This project of photographing EU citizens is not finished. Not by a long shot. Check back if you wish to find out what is planned for the next stage.